Representatives from the Friends of the Green Crescent (FGC) will make presentations at two upcoming meetings.
Joint City University Advisory Board
The first will be at the Joint City/University Advisory Board (JCUAB) on Monday December 3rd, 2018 at 3:30 pm at the Watt Family Innovation Center. The JCUAB is a group charged with the purpose of improving the quality of life in the Clemson Community. It’s also responsible for strengthening the relationship between the City of Clemson and Clemson University by implementing partnership initiatives.
The 2016 Green Crescent Trail Feasibility Study called for multiple connections between the City of Clemson and Clemson University. And the 2012 Clemson University Bikeways Plan includes proposed routes from the Main Campus to the North and South Experimental Forests, among other connections within the local community. In 2017 Clemson University received a $1 million grant from the South Carolina Department of Transportation to begin the trail in the South Forest.
Many Clemson University students, faculty, and staff also live in the City of Clemson and commute to campus daily. So, the Green Crescent Trails system represents an ideal opportunity to reduce automobile congestion and improve overall quality of life for the University community.

Map of planned mixed-use path from CU Campus to the South Experimental Forest
Map of planned mixed-use path from CU Campus, through the City of Clemson, to the North Experimental Forest
Clemson City Council Meeting
The second presentation will be at Clemson City Council on Monday December 3rd, 2018 at 6:30 pm at Clemson City Hall. In 2016 the Clemson City Council officially adopted the Green Crescent Trail feasibility study. And in November 2017 the Green Crescent pedestrian bridge near Clemson Elementary was officially opened as the first segment of the Green Crescent Trails in Clemson.
At both meetings, FGC representatives will provide updates on recent Green Crescent Trail kiosk installations. In 2016 Clemson City Council designated $25,000 for these kiosks and other Green Crescent Trail signage and way finding improvements. The FGC also matched city funds with $5,000 from private donations.
Both presentations will also be an opportunity to preview recommendations for the next segment of the Green Crescent Trail in the City of Clemson. The newest recommendations would create safer, well-marked walking and biking pathways between three local Clemson parks:
- Ashley Dearing off of Berkeley Drive
- Clemson Park off of Frontage Road
- Gateway Park off of Highway 93
A proposal to approve and fund these improvements will be made to Clemson City Council early in 2019.
We Need Your Help
Your vocal support for the Green Crescent Trails is essential to our success at public meetings. Please consider either attending a meeting to speak during the public session or writing a message of support to public officials before the meeting.
The JCUAB meeting begins at 3:30 pm on Monday 12/3/2018 at the Watt Family Innovation Center on Clemson University’s campus.
The City Council meeting begins at 6:30 on Monday 12/3/2018 at the City Council Chambers of City Hall at 1250 Tiger Blvd, Clemson.
Please visit our page How to Contact Your Local Officials for help with wording and for contact information.
For those who can’t attend, we’ll share the slides from both presentations on this website next week.